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Unauthorized Parking Prohibited with Custom Towing & By-Law Information Parking Sign


Unauthorized Parking Prohibited with Custom Towing & By-Law Information Parking Sign

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Towing Company Name and Phone Number

Tow Away Sign -
This Sign is required by the City of Winnipeg to be posted where Towing will be enforced at each entrance to the parking lot.

The Sign specifications are 30" x 24" aluminum.

Unauthorized Parking Prohibited
with City of Winnipeg By-Law Number #6549/95
and with Towing Company Name and Phone Number

Tell us your City name and By-Law #.

Material Substrate Information

Reflective Aluminum

Reflective Aluminum: Engineer Grade Retroreflective Film on Aluminum; comes with Anti-Graffiti overlaminate finish.  Up to 7 years durability, vertical exposure.


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We will contact you within 1-2 business days with pricing and details.

Thank you!  We appreciate your business.

Customize this Product

Tell us how you want to Customize this product – add text, symbols, logos or colors. We will work with you to create a product that suits your needs.


Your custom product request for quote has been sent.

We will contact you within 1-2 business days with pricing and details.

Thank you!  We appreciate your business.